Sunday, April 6, 2014


Wow! So it's been a long while since I posted on this blog... I've been posting on my WP blog, participating in NaNoWriMo and Camp NaNo, along with working on my novel, I let it slip. I guess I thought my posts on G+ were going to this blog...that's what I get for assuming. Won't happen again. 

So I changed the look of my blog, and yep, that's the cover for my Camp NaNo novel. I'm up on my wordcount by just a little, not enough to take a day off from writing, but enough for a little wiggle room. I've also been catching up on youtube videos about writing--actually subscribed to quite a few over the past week or so. 

I wish I'd had the gumption in my late teens...early twenties to pursue my dreams, but I'm sure there are a number of writer's who didn't begin until later on in life. Had I written a novel back then I wouldn't have had the maturity, wisdom, knowledge, or time that I do now. As of right now I am writing full-time. Thanks to my wonderful husband I am focusing on my writing. There aren't words to describe how wonderful that makes me feel...

To have someone who believes in not only me, but my talent, and who supports me and my writing. He's amazing and wonderful--I'm a very lucky woman. 

So if you'd like more information about what I've been up to please visit my other blog

Thanks for reading...


Wednesday, August 14, 2013


My writing goal for today is at least 2000 words. I've now created a page for my "author" brand on FB, email, and I've also created a WordPress blog...but I have to say that all of this takes away from my actual writing time. Time I spend creating posts for blogs, and checking FB, etc is time that I could spend writing. Not to mention my personal email, FB, WP, etc... Not sure that it's beneficial but I hope so. I guess I'll wait and see.
Otherwise, time is so limited since I've been watching my 1 yr old grandson. My daughter works 5 days a week but they are not in consecutive order. She's off today but probably won't be off again until Sunday, so I have to write when he naps or once he's gone home, but by the time he goes home I have cleaning to do (and he's like having a miniature hurricane around), etc. Not that I'm not enjoying the time that I'm spending with him, I am...It's been awesome being able to spend this much time with him. They grow so fast that if you blink it feels like you've missed something. But it has limited my personal time, especially for writing and cleaning. Now I feel like I'm constantly behind on everything. I had forgotten what having a baby around is like. My youngest, his mom, is 21, so it's been quite a while.
Now, back to my writing.
Later on I'll write a post about some of the information I've found about the 3 act structure method of outlining, etc.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

While my grandson sleeps I'm having a third cup of coffee and writing. So far, I'm still working on the outline, and the beginning. I'm not sure of where I'm going with it yet, but I'll get there. It's going to be rough this month because I'm watching my one year old grandson while my daughter works and his dad is out of town. Keeping me busy. He's a handful. Tomorrow is my daughter's day off so I'll be spending my whole day on my WIP (first I think I'll sleep in though). 
Back to the outline while the little man sleeps. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

From Pantser to Plotter

The journey from pantser to plotter hasn't been an easy one. I've gone from writing from the gut, without any real plotting at all, just an idea and a premise, perhaps a theme, to trying to outline. From trying to outline to using the 3 Act Structure method, along with following the basis of the Hero's Journey and so far all I've accomplished is to set my draft up in Scrivener (which I absolutely love, by the way, to writing my premise, plotting out the characters and the main place.I've done so much research that I feel like my head is about to explode with facts and pictures that I dream about them sometimes. But I'm taking this seriously. After at least 10 (or more) starts with no follow through I realized I had to do something different. 
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”~Albert Einstein
 So I've grabbed my bottle of water, have my index cards ready with my notes, and I'm ready to start plotting my ordinary world, my plot points, my action's and reaction's, my midpoint...Yes, I'm well on my way. It's a good day to start doing it my own way. From Pantser to Plotter, I've turned over a new leaf. I'll dream of my character, maybe add in a thief. (Just something to make me smile and get my mind on what's at hand.) 
Oh, and I've taken the advice of many authors and made myself an email just for my writing, along with a blog--yes, I'm branding myself, (I hate how that sounds, but what's an up and coming new author to do if not brand yourself so that you're out there and people will recognize your name?). 
I'll be back tomorrow to write about my progress. Here's to at least one or two good hours spent plotting instead of pantsing, though to tell you the truth, what I really want to do is get right in there and start writing. I hate outlines.